The quality management system of GROSS+FROELICH is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The environment management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015.
- Corporate Policy (26.8 KiB)
- Certificate ISO 9001:2015 (119.6 KiB)
- Certificate ISO 14001:2015 (118.7 KiB)
- Certificate ISO 50001:2018 (294.8 KiB)
- LGA Quality Certificate - MOVE 50 hard wheel (613.6 KiB)
- LGA Quality Certificate - MOVE 50 soft wheel (126.1 KiB)
- LGA Quality Certificate - MOVE 60 hard wheel (610.5 KiB)
- LGA Quality Certificate - MOVE 60 soft wheel (130.3 KiB)
- TÜV Quality Certificate - MOVE 65 hard wheel (677.4 KiB)
- TÜV Quality Certificate - MOVE 65 soft wheel (423.5 KiB)